4 Seasons

The universe is ever-changing, and we must learn to embrace the struggles that come with it. We must rise to the occasion, push forward and level up, even if we fear change. For if we resist, change will still come, but only to our detriment. We must find strength in the task with which the gods have cursed us, for it is our destiny.

What we fight for, what we believe in, defines who we are as individuals. There is no great savior coming to rescue us from our troubles. We must face the dystopia, accept its harsh reality, and use it to fuel our fight against it. The struggle must become a part of us, so that we may rise above it. Countless individuals will not or cannot stand up to the challenges of life. When the boogeyman comes to collect, we have a choice to make. We can either cower down or rise up and face him head-on. The question remains: what kind of person will we choose to be?

Belief in oneself is crucial. The belief that we can make it, that we have the grit and fortitude to pick ourselves up after countless failures, is what separates us from the masses. We must do everything in our power to overcome, for it is not the outcome that matters, but the knowledge that we have done everything a person can do. As Jean-Luc Picard once said, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness. That is life."