A Peak Inside the Mask Seller's Tent

As you walk through the crowded festival grounds, you come across a tent that seems to be drawing quite a bit of attention. Upon closer inspection, you see that it's a mask seller, but not just any mask seller - this one is selling masks that look like actual human faces. They're pale and fleshy, with eerie blank eyes and lifelike details.

Despite your curiosity, something about the seller gives you pause. He's a burly, bearded carnie, missing an eye and wearing a bandana. He seems to be leering at you as you approach, and you feel a sudden urge to get away from him. You quickly turn and walk in the opposite direction, your heart racing as you try to shake off the strange encounter.

As you walk away, you can't help but wonder about the mysterious masks. Who would want to wear something like that, and why? You quickly push the thoughts from your mind, determined to enjoy the rest of the festival and forget about the unsettling encounter.




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